Expressive Movement- Body-Mind Therapy for a harmonious human development
Rio abierto is an exciting practice that combines the therapeutic (body-mind) approach, creativity (expressivity - dance) and the spiritual (transpersonal) approach, bringing us in touch with our Essence, our qualities, our unique beauty and interconnection as human beings. Rio abierto integrates expressive movement practices, music, massage, chakra balancing through dance and body -mind work.
Rio abierto means Open river in Spanish. it is a metaphor that invites us to open up to the Flow of Life in a joyful and natural way. Created in 1966 in Argentina by the psychologist Maria Adela Palcos, Rio abierto has been quickly spread around many countries around the world such as Spain, Italy, Israel, Brazil, Russia etc with very successful applications in the education, the arts, communication and health care.
Our work is based on free and guided movement, beautiful music, work on expressivity, contact, flow and whatever emerges as an individual and collective expression in the present moment.The movement is called expressive, because it is very important to release unexpressed or partially expressed contents that are locked inside our body in form of tensions, energetic and emotional blockages. In a space of safety and acceptance of our expression, we move the parts of our Self that want to be seen, we listen to our heart and we let ourselves delve into beautiful interactions with others, unfolding our Essence and opening up to new qualities we wish to attract and manifest into our lives. In this way, our body becomes a source of vitality, pleasure, love, interaction, intuition and inspiration.
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You are welcome to join one of our regular classes or workshops.
MONDAYS 18.00-19.30
@ School Τangart , Nakou 4, metro Acropolis/ Syngrou Fix
More info& bookings at 6938896610 (whatsapp)
NEW GROUP Starting on the 1st of April! (First class is free up to the 15th April)
DATES: NEXT DATE 22 Mar 2024, 17.00-20.00
Upcoming dates Sat. 20 Apr 2024 & FRIDAY 7 Jun. 2024 17.00-20.00
To Theatrini Cultural Center/ Smirnis Str.18, Chania/ Crete
Expressive Movement Classes
A regular weekly practice of 1 and ½ hour, suitable for every age and level of experience in movement / dance.
In the classes of expressive movement we reach a healthier balance between our body, our mind, our emotions, our heart and our creative imagination, connecting our physicality to our humanity and spirit. We become more present, loving and joyful in our everyday lives.
Massage sessions - Rio Abierto method.
Rio abierto has developed its own massage technique, that is complementary to the expressive movement classes. The method works at a more direct and deep level with and on the body, through touch and massage across the lines of our energy centers, so as to activate the free flow of energy through our body and release emotional and physical blockages.
Trabajo sobre Si (Work with the Self)
group & individual sessions
Group sessions of apx 3 hours, held monthly/ bimontly, where we dedicate more time to deepen the Rio abierto work and the sharing of the participants experience.
Individual sessions last apx one hour and are suited to needs of the person. We work principally with somatic therapy, verbal sharing, expressive movement, music, breathwork, and all forms of contact. Our objective is to accompany the person in building up the necessary resources that will allow him /her a deeper understanding of the Self, an incresed body awareness, clrearer expression of the emotions and needs and , and a life of increased consciousness.
In Rio abierto we learn to:
take care of our body, listen to our heart
unfold our potential as creative beings.
A multidisciplinary group of people from the areas of education, healthcare, communication and the arts, interested in promoting harmonious human growth at personal and collective level, through the use of movement and the arts.
Rio Abierto Greece is directed by Eirini Bataki, member of the internacional association «Rio abierto Internacional» and representative for Greece in its meetings. Eirini loves helping people to explore, unfold and express their qualities and create a healthier, more joyful and peaceful life through movement, dance, body psychotherapy, music and art, especially people working in education and for the growth of new generations.
Espacio Movimiento Rio Abierto España
Rio Abierto Greece is collaborating closely with the Rio abierto School of Spain, (Espacio Movimiento Rio Abierto España) under the direction of the famous dancer and choreographer Graciela Figueroa, who has the supervision for the professional training program in Rio abierto, that is about to set off in Greece, according to the standards of Rio Abierto Internacional.